,Optimal investing stopping in stochastic environment

来源 :中国金融评论(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:blackfairy
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Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to investigate how to determine optimal investing stopping time in a stochastic environment,such as with stochastic rets,stochastic interest rate and stochastic expected growth rate.Design/methodology/approach-Transformation method was used for solving optimal stopping problem by providing a way to transform path-dependent problem into a path-independent one.Based on option pricing theory,optimal investing stopping time was thought of as an optimal executed timing problem of American-style option.Findings-First,the authors transform a path-dependent stop timing problem to a path-independent one with transformation under very general conditions,to directly use the existing conclusion of optimal stopping time literature.Second,when dynamics of capital growth is homogeneous,the authors changed the two dimensional optimal stop timing problem into a single dimension problem based on the assumption of zero exercise costs.Third,the authors investigated the comparative dynamics about asset selling boundary on asset value,state variable and ret predictability.With constant discount rate and growth rate,the optimal selling timing depends on the simple comparison between capital cost and growth rate.Originality/value-The paper’s contributions to analysis method may be as follows.The authors demonstrate how to transform a path-dependent stopping problem into a path-independent one under general conditions.The transform method in this article can be applied to other path-dependent optimal stopping problems.In particular,a Riccati ordinary differential equation for the transformation is set up.In most examples commonly met in finance,the equation can be solved explicitly.
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品种来源:冀特3号笋玉米系石家庄地区农科所于1986年以单杆双穗率高的冀432做母本,多杆多穗型垦多2做父本杂交选育而成的新型蔬菜加工品种。 Breed Source: Ji Te 3 bamboo