In modern legal culture, the right of action as the basic procedure of citizens is an institutional right, which has the basic human rights. Human rights, rights to be human beings, include the procedural rights to play an exogenously guaranteed function, such as the content of the right to action. At the same time, the relief of substantive rights under the category of human rights is largely achieved through the existence of litigation rights. In the practice of modern civil litigation in China, the development and promotion of litigation rights are on the rise. This is a strong guarantee for the protection of human rights. At the same time, however, there is still a problem with the right to action in today’s China, that is, there is a real shortcoming in guaranteeing human rights. Therefore, it is necessary to attach great importance to the rights of action from the perspective of human rights and to promote its own development so that the rights of prosecution and human rights can be better marched and promoted in China.