
来源 :珞珈史苑 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:stayrose
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元代是一个蝗灾高发的时期,频繁的蝗灾造成了严重的社会危机,在很大程度上对国家的统治秩序产生冲击,威胁到其统治的“正当性”。面对蝗灾造成的危机,元代国家采取“敬”与“治”相结合的措施进行应对。一方面,通过各种“巫禳”活动安抚民众情绪,对民众的信仰世界进行积极引导。另一方面,通过广泛的防灾、救灾与赈灾措施减少蝗灾所造成的损失,改善了民众的生存状况。元代国家在蝗灾中的运行展现出其强大的社会控制力和主导地位,同时也暴露了其官僚制度的弊端和国家能力的局限。 The Yuan Dynasty was a period of high locust plague. The frequent plague of locusts caused a serious social crisis, to a large extent impacting on the country’s ruling order and threatening the “legitimacy” of its rule. Faced with the crisis caused by locust plague, the Yuan Dynasty adopted a combination of “respect ” and “governance ”. On the one hand, the people’s sentiment is appeased through various activities such as “witchcraft”, and the public faith community is actively guided. On the other hand, the loss caused by locust plague has been reduced through a wide range of disaster prevention, disaster relief and relief measures, which have improved people’s living conditions. The operation of Yuan Dynasty in locust plague demonstrated its strong social control and dominance, meanwhile exposed the defects of its bureaucratic system and the limitations of its national capabilities.
目的探讨慢性乙型(HB)与慢性丙型(HC)病毒性肝炎超声表现的差异及与病理的联系.方法应用B超检查130例HB和106例HC患者,观察其肝脏声像表现与病理结果并作对照研究. 结果 HB声像图显示肝脏回声增粗、增强、或条索样不均匀表现,与病理结果高度相关(P<0.001),HC声像表现以回声细微、致密为主,与病理改变高度相关(P<0.001).两型肝炎合并脂肪肝程度都不相同(P<0.001).结论超