新立镇是榆树市的一个大镇,新立大集是榆树市一个有名的集市。在离集市不远处,有一个小小的税务分局——榆树市新立税务分局,在总共8名税务人员中,许振刚是“头儿”:分局长兼党支部书记。 (一) 那是1978年,刚从部队转业的许振刚被组织上安排到现在的岗位上,至今已16个年头了。他到任的第一件事,就是召开全镇纳税户开大会,这是一次不寻常的会议,说它不寻常,是因为那间小小的会议室里第一次挤满了这么多人,气氛是少有的严肃,参加会议的人第一次看见新“税官”和他的同事们一字排开坐在正前方。
Xinli Town is a large town in Yushu City, Xinli Daji is a famous Yushu City market. Not far from the market, there is a small tax branch - New Taxation Branch of Yushu City, a total of eight tax officers, Xu Zhen Gang is the “head”: branch director and branch secretary. (A) It was in 1978 that Xu Zhengang, who had just retired from the army, was organized to the current post for 16 years. The first thing he took was to convene an entire town taxpayers’ meeting. This was an unusual meeting. It was unusual because the tiny conference room was packed with so many people for the first time The atmosphere was rare and solemn. For the first time, those attending the meeting saw the new Tax Official sitting in front of his colleagues in a row.