Leech, also known as leeches. Its salivary fluid contains hirudin, heparin, anti-thromboxane, etc., can be used to treat cancer, cervical lymph node tuberculosis and other diseases. Leech grows in paddy fields, ponds, streams, 6 to 10 months for the spawning period, winter dormant, strong regenerative force. Leech breeding fast, as androgyny, allogeneic, more than 1000 eggs at a time. Fertilized eggs directly in the cocoon development. Egg cocoon produced in the ridge, was oval, after the birth of 16 to 25 hatched young leech, each containing about 20 young cocoon leeches. Leech easy to manage, feed a wide range of sources. Available pool, waste pond farming, water per cubic meter of stocking about 10,000. Capturing leech can be used in the late spring and early summer, with a grass bundle dipped fresh blood of livestock and poultry