Male patient, 60 years old. Burned by the boiler head and face burns, face, neck and upper limbs, an area of 20%, Ⅲ ° 15%, with respiratory burn, kidney contusion, multiple scalp laceration and trauma. The first debridement and tracheotomy after a week, again the first line, face, neck granulation wounds and right thigh skin graft surgery. Past long-term smoking history. T: 38.4 ℃, Hb: 13.1g%, pH: 7.389, PaO_269mmHg, PaCO_2: 28mmHg, HCO_3: 17.1mmol / L before anesthesia medication: luminal 0.1g, atropine 0.5mg. After intravenous infusion of Du Fuli mixture 1ml. Take the skin and clean the wound at the same time, respectively, ketamine 50mg, 40mg intravenous injection to complete a total of two operations. Intraoperative monitoring of NBP, P, R, SpO_2 (pulse oximetry). Interrupted mask oxygen 3L / min.