Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease patients may have stubborn abdominal pain or back pain, some patients need anesthesia to be partially relieved. Pain and some of the renal cell cystic expansion due to enlargement of the gland, renal damage can not occur when the obvious. Rovsing first in 1911 to reduce the patient’s sore capsule relief, other authors have also confirmed the efficacy of the operation. However, the sachet has been abandoned since the late fifties and early sixties. The main reason for this is that the renal function of the patient decreased after one year as reported by Bricker and Patton in 1957 as a result of a decrease in one year, presumably due to the surgical loss of a functional nephron; similarly reported by Milam and colleagues in 1963. However, in fact, only two patients were reported in both languages, and the decline of renal function before surgery was not indicated. Theoretically, even if hundreds of nephrons are lost during surgery, there is no effect on the total glomerular filtration rate. If renal failure is due to cyst compression normal nephron, then reduce the volume of cysts can save kidney function