古人有诗曰 :“春江水暖鸭先知”。而现在能感知我国经济全面回暖的则是财税指标。今年上半年 ,上海全市实现国内生产总值(GDP)2020 4亿元 ,同比增长10 3%,高于全国平均2 1个百分点 ,是1997年国际国内宏观环境发生变化以来上半年增幅最高的一年。经济平稳健
The ancients said: “Spring plumbing duck prophet.” Now we can perceive the overall economic rebound in China is the tax indicator. In the first half of this year, Shanghai achieved a GDP of 2020.4 billion yuan, an increase of 103% over the previous year and an average of 21% over the national average. This is the highest increase in the first half of the macroeconomic environment since 1997 year. The economy is stable and healthy