春寒料峭的三月,在历史文化和旅游名胜兴城西南部的高家岭乡,笔者见到了铁面无私、一身正气的乡镇审计员薛九儒。 薛九儒这位四十开外的壮年汉子,憨厚、朴实,言语不多,但句句都很实在。当记者问及他干审计的感受时,他深有感触地说:“说实在话,乡镇审计工作不好干。一是社会关系复杂,那真是亲连亲、圈套圈啊;再一个是审计处理难,人微言轻,举步维艰;还有这是一个得罪人的差使,自身和家人都有一定的危险。可是,我做为一名共产党员,不能只考虑个人的得失,维护财经纪律,维护群众利益是我应尽的责任。”一席话道出了乡镇审计工作的艰辛,也可略见一个知难而进的乡镇审计员心迹的一斑。
Spring chill in March, in the history and culture and tourist attractions Xingcheng southwest of Gaojialing Township, I saw the iron selfless, an upright auditor Xue Jiu ru. Xue nine Confucianism Forty years old man, simple and honest, simple, few words, but the sentence is very real. When the reporter asked him about the experience of auditing, he said with deep feeling: “To tell the truth, township audit work is not good. First, the complex social relations, it really pro-link, ah; another is the audit However, as a Communist Party member, I can not only consider personal gains and losses, safeguard financial and economic discipline, and safeguard the interests of the masses Is my responsibility. ”A word out of the audits of towns and villages the hardships, but also a seemingly difficult to track down the track record of the township auditors.