赫伯特·马尔库塞生于德国 ,创法兰克福社会研究所 ,193 4年为躲避纳粹 ,成为美国公民。曾在哈佛等大学任教 ,1965年成为加州大学圣迭戈分校的哲学教授。他以综合马克思主义和弗洛伊德学说而著称于世。本文作者W .W .舒马赫是德裔丹麦著名语言学家 (193 9~ ) ,本刊 2 0 0 2年第 3期发表了《〈赤裸裸的语言学家〉与维尔弗里德·舒马赫》 ,从中可以看出他一贯批评美国乔姆斯基一派学者。本文介绍了马尔库塞反对包括乔姆斯基在内的形式主义语言学派的立场
Herbert Marcuse was born in Germany and founded the Frankfurt Institute for Social Studies. In 1947, he was a citizen of the United States to evade the Nazis. He taught at Harvard University and in 1965 became a professor of philosophy at the University of California, San Diego. He is known for his synthesis of Marxism and Freudian theory. The writer W.W. Schumacher is a Danish famous linguist (193-9 ~), published in the third issue of 2002, “ and Wilfried Schumacher ”From which we can see that he has always criticized the United States of Chomsky a school of scholars. This article introduces Marcuse’s opposition to the formalist linguistic school, including Chomsky