【摘 要】
According to the statistics from January this year to early May this year, incidents of miners in various mines in our bureau have been increasing month by month. In particular, during the security inspection period, the number of casualties still shows a straight upward trend. In terms of production ratio, an average of 3,451 tons of gold per mined and 323 meters of gold mined each killed one person, a figure that has been a serious problem for metal mines. Investigating the causes of the accident is not entirely unavoidable, but the vast majority is due to the system
Aepyosciurinae, a new subfamily of Sciuridae, were found at the base of the early Pleistocene loess deposits in Dongxiang County, Gansu Province. Its unilateral
中 央电视台的《焦点访谈》节日 ,不但为全国亿万人民所瞩目 ,而且受到中央领导同志的多次首肯。作为一名新闻工作者 ,《焦点访谈》也是我每晚必看的节目之一。根据《焦点访
B白晓琴 7.(4) :6薄万举 1 .(3) :37 C蔡华昌 1 .(2 ) :2 3陈绍绪 1 .(2 ) :9陈晓发 3 .(1 ) :30陈晓利 1 .(2 ) :1 7陈运泰 1 .(3) : 陈章立 1 .(3) : 程冬焱 2 .(1
1 SURVEYOFGLOBESEISMICITYIN 2 0 0 2Atotalof16strongearthquakeswithMS≥ 7 0occurredintheworldin 2 0 0 2accordingtothede terminationoftheChineseSeismicStationNet
NoTimemmddh :m :sSiteName Latiude(N)Longitude(E)Magnitude(Ms)Depth(km)1July 11816 5 3.2Gannan ,HeilongjiangP . 4 7°5 5′ 12 3°4 2′ 3.32July 2 32 0 4 80 2 .8Y