温家宝:优化能源结构 推动传统能源清洁高效利用

来源 :农业工程技术(新能源产业) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Aegean1218
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2012年3月5日上午9时,第十一届全国人民代表大会第五次会议在人民大会堂开幕,国务院总理温家宝作政府工作报告。温家宝指出:建立促进新能源利用的机制,加强统筹规划、项目配套、政策引导,扩大国内需求,制止太阳能、风电等产业盲目扩张。 March 5, 2012 At 9:00 am, the Fifth Session of the Eleventh National People’s Congress opens in the Great Hall of the People and Premier Wen Jiabao of the State Council makes a report on the work of the government. Wen Jiabao pointed out: To establish a mechanism to promote the utilization of new energy sources, strengthen overall planning, project matching, policy guidance and expansion of domestic demand so as to stop the blind expansion of solar energy and wind power industries.