本研究根据文献报道的小麦抗旱性相关数量性状位点的标记,检测圆锥小麦和普通小麦种5个亚种、全生育期抗旱性不同的66份云南小麦种质资源可能携带的位点,并分析了这些位点在48份全生育期抗性强和极强(R-HR)、18份中等(MR)和对照品种云选11-12(极弱, HS)、云麦42号(MR)中的分布,探讨利用这些位点标记辅助筛选强或极强抗旱性育种材料的可行性。研究结果表明,在利用的184对引物中,有52对在68份材料中检测到了24个加性和2个非加性位点,强和极强抗旱性的圆锥小麦、硬粒小麦、云南小麦、密穗小麦和普通小麦可能带有的加性位点数分别是6~10、4~8、11~19、10~18和8~18个;但是只有控制胚芽鞘长度的 QCl2A 和 QCl3D-b、气孔导度的 QTL-QSc.sdau-5B、根干重的 QRdw-2A、单株穗数的 QNspp.cgb-7D、QNspp-7B 和穗长的 QSl.cgb-5A、单株穗数的 QNspp-4B 或总小穗数的 QTs.cgb-4B 等8个 QTL 标记可能是筛选云南不同亚种抗旱性强或极强材料的有用辅助标记。“,”The QTLs of 66 accessions of wheat germplasm resources in Yunnan province with different drought resistance at whole growth period including 5 subspecies in 2 species of Triticum turgidum and T. aestivum were tested, using quantitative trait loci (QTLs) markers reported by literature and associated with wheat drought resistance traits. The percentage of distribution of the QTLs were also analyzed in 48 varieties of resistance and highly resistance (R-HR), 18 of middle resistance (MR) and control varieties of which are Yunmai 42 (MR) and Yunxuan 11-12 (HS, highly short resistance), and the availability were discussed screening assisted breeding materials of R-HR out using the QTLs. The result indicated that 24 additive and 2 non-additive locus were tested by 52 of 184 primers used, varieties of R-HR of 5 sub-species which are ssp. turgidum and ssp. durum of Triticum turgidum, ssp. yunnanense, ssp. compactum and ssp. aestivum of Triticum aestivum should take 6~10, 4~8, 11~19, 10~18 and 8~18 additive loci, respectively. But among them, only 8 markers should are available assistant marker for screening materials of R-HR out from different wheat sub-species in Yunnan province, the loci are QCl2A and QCl3D-b of dominating length of coleoptile, QTL-QSc.sdau-5B of dominating stomatal conductance, and QRdw-2A of dominating root dry weight; QNspp.cgb-7D and QNspp-7B of dominating number of spike per plant and QSl.cgb-5A of dominating length of per spike, QNspp-4B of dominating number of spike per plant or QTs. cgb-4B of dominating total spikelet.