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肥胖症生活中,我们常听到有“胖友”提到身材问题感叹到:“没办法呀,我是喝凉水都长肉”。注意观察不难发现,有些人长的白白胖胖,看起来却不壮实,身上的肉不但又多又软,还缺乏弹性。究其原因,是由于阳虚体质的人缺乏阳气,阳气不足会致身体各个脏腑器官的功能减退,使身体产生的废弃物无法正常排出,导致肥胖。因此,阳虚体质的人如果想减肥,应先温补脾肾、 Obesity life, we often hear “fat friend ” mentioned the body sigh to: “no way ah, I drink cold water are long meat ”. Observe the observation is not difficult to find that some people grow up in vain, but it looks not strong, the body of the meat is not only more and more soft, but also the lack of flexibility. The reason is due to the lack of yang yang physique, lack of yang will cause the body’s various organ function decline, so that the body can not be properly discharged waste, leading to obesity. Therefore, if people want to lose weight yang constitution should warm up the spleen and kidney,