Raising the level of communication services involves many aspects such as supply and demand, staff quality and management level. From a management point of view, the solution to the problem is to introduce competition mechanisms. I believe that the key to introducing a competition mechanism in post and telecommunications services is the “rice bowl” competition and distribution competition. First, “bowl” competition. At present, the reality is to first engage in “post” competition. All types of jobs, in particular work types that directly serve the outside world, are open to positions, establishments, and responsibilities. Internal, internal and external employee selection, job ownership, job ownership, employment, and employment are subject to two-way selection, competition, employment, and contractual management. In units with surplus personnel, the posts, tests, and waiting posts are implemented, and the dynamic management of positions is implemented. Those who have been laid off from the posts and those who are on posts and who are on duty regularly compete and adjust from time to time. Industry