CH_4-CO_2 reforming to syngas over Pt-CeO_2-ZrO_2/MgO catalysts: Modification of support using ion e

来源 :Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangxiao8910
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Pt-CeO2-ZrO2/MgO (Pt-CZ/MgO) catalysts with 0.8 wt% Pt, 3.0 wt% CeO2 and 3.0 wt% ZrO2 were prepared by wet impregnation method. Support MgO was obtained using ion exchange resin method or using commercial MgO. XRD, BET, SEM, TEM, DTA-TG and CO2-TPD were used to characterize the catalysts. CH4-CO2 reforming to synthesis gas (syngas) was performed to test the catalytic behavior of the catalysts. The catalyst Pt-CZ/MgO-IE(D) prepared using ion exchange resin exhibits more regular structure, smaller and more unique particle sizes, and stronger basicity than the catalyst Pt-CZ/MgO prepared from commercial MgO. At 1073 K and atmospheric pressure, Pt-CZ/MgO-IE(D) catalyst has a higher activity and greater stability than Pt-CZ/MgO catalyst for CH4-CO2 reforming reaction at high gas hourly space velocity of 36000 mL/(g·h) with a stoichiometric feed of CH4 and CO2. Activity measurement and characterization results demonstrate that modification of the support using ion exchange resin method can promote the surface structural property and stability, therefore enhancing the activity and stability for CH4-CO2 reforming reaction. Pt-CeO2-ZrO2 / MgO (Pt-CZ / MgO) catalysts with 0.8 wt% Pt, 3.0 wt% CeO2 and 3.0 wt% ZrO2 were prepared by wet impregnation method. . CH 4 -CO 2 reforming to synthesis gas (syngas) was performed to test the catalytic behavior of the catalysts. The catalyst Pt-CZ / MgO-IE (D) prepared using ion exchange resin exhibits more regular structure, smaller and more unique particle sizes, and stronger basicity than the catalyst Pt-CZ / MgO prepared from commercial MgO. At 1073 K and atmospheric pressure, Pt-CZ / MgO-IE (D) catalyst has a higher activity and greater stability than Pt-CZ / MgO catalyst for CH4-CO2 reforming reaction at high gas hourly space velocity of 36000 mL / (g · h) with a stoichiometric feed of CH4 and CO2 Activity measurement and characterization results demonstrate that modification of the support using ion exchange resin method can promote the surface structural property and stability, therefore enhancing the activity and stability for CH4-CO2 reforming reaction.
<正> 南朝梁萧统《文选》,至唐为显学,先有李善注本六十卷,后有五臣注本,仍为三十卷。今行两本合刻之六臣注本及由六臣注本析出之李善注本,均六十卷。至于五臣注本,南宋晁公武《郡斋读书志》记及,清徐乾学《传是楼宋元本书目》录“五臣注文选三十卷”。钱曾《读书敏求记》亦记,并见《虞山钱遵王藏书目汇编》。晚近日本岛田翰《古文旧书考》云,敏求记载宋刻三十卷本,今不知存佚。四库称未见。钱侗辑释《崇文总目》,据天一阁抄本录。胡克家撰《文选考异》,近人高步瀛著《文选李注义疏》,均未见是书。沪、京、浙大图书馆善
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