寂寞了千年的皂角泉终于被一双神奇的手牵到了陕西省富平县的北峪村,流进了老百姓的心窝窝。盼水盼了不知多少辈子的北峪村人用双手捧着一碗碗甘甜的泉水,献给前来参加陕西省军区“一部一村”扶贫现场会的军地领导。一位70多岁的老大娘不停地念叨着:“要不是王政委,俺们做梦也不敢想能喝上自来水。” 老人说的王政委,不是别人,而是富平县人武部政委王再海。
The lonely millet saponin spring has finally been a pair of magical hands brought to the northern village of Fuping County, Shaanxi Province, into the hearts of ordinary people nest. Looking forward to hope I do not know how many lives Beiyu villagers holding a bowl of bowls of sweet spring water with both hands, dedicated to come to participate in Shaanxi Province Military Region “one of the villages” anti-poverty field conference military leaders. A 70-year-old aunt kept talking about: “or not Wang political commissar, Men dreamed I would like to drink tap water.” The old man said the Political Commissar, not others, but Fuping County Wu Po political commissar Wang Zaihai .