美国《研究·技术管理》杂志1990年7~8月号和11~12月号两期,连续以很大篇幅刊载了 R.扎科尼的长文《使 R&D 管理得更有效的101条提示》。这篇文章的基础是,作者同美国115家大公司的数百名管理人员(科研和非科研经理们)进行的讨论。这115家美国公司中,许多是世界上有名的大企业,如波音、麦道飞机公司,阿莫科、阿科、壳牌、菲利普斯等石油公司,杜邦、道化学公司,IBM 和 Intel计算机公司,威斯汀豪斯电气公司,科达公司,施乐公司,固特异轮胎与橡胶公司。通用汽车公司,等等。文章的用意在于总结这些成功的企业在 R&D 管理上的成功经验。这101条“提示”也确系经验之谈。当前,在推进企业技术进步中,我国各大中型企业正在建立和充实企业的研究开发机构,加强企业的 R&D 工作,我们把这篇文章介绍给国内读者,希望他们能从中得到一些借鉴。
The “Journal of Research and Technology Management” magazine’s July-August and the November-December issues of the 1990s successively published in great length R. Zacconi’s long article “101 Tips to Make R&D Management More Effective.” 》 The basis of this article is the author’s discussions with hundreds of managers (scientific and non-scientific managers) of 115 large companies in the United States. Among the 115 U.S. companies, many are major companies in the world, such as Boeing, McDonnell Douglas, Amoco, Arco, Shell, Phillips, etc., DuPont, Dow Chemical, IBM, and Intel Computer Corporation. , Westinghouse Electric Company, Kodak Company, Xerox Corporation, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company. General Motors, and so on. The purpose of the article is to summarize the successful experiences of these successful companies in R&D management. These 101 “prompts” are also true to experience. At present, in advancing the technological advancement of enterprises, China’s large and medium-sized enterprises are establishing and enriching their research and development institutions and strengthening their R&D work. We will introduce this article to domestic readers and hope they can learn from them.