Diffusion-tensor imaging as an adjunct to dynamic contrastenhanced MRI for improved accuracy of diff

来源 :Chinese Journal of Cancer Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jingbao0804
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Objective:To determine the value of diffusion-tensor imaging(DTI) as an adjunct to dynamic contrastenhanced magnetic resonance imaging(DCE-MRI) for improved accuracy of differential diagnosis between breast ductal carcinoma in situ(DCIS) and invasive breast carcinoma(IBC).Methods:The MRI data of 63 patients pathologically confirmed as breast cancer were analyzed.The conventional MRI analysis metrics included enhancement style,initial enhancement characteristic,maximum slope of increase,time to peak,time signal intensity curve(TIC) pattern,and signal intensity on FST2 WI.The values of apparent diffusion coefficient(ADC),directionally-averaged mean diffusivity(D_(avg)),exponential attenuation(EA),fractional anisotropy(FA),volume ratio(VR) and relative anisotropy(RA)were calculated and compared between DCIS and IBC.Multivariate logistic regression was used to identify independent factors for distinguishing IBC and DCIS.The diagnostic performance of the diagnosis equation was evaluated using the receiver operating characteristic(ROC) curve.The diagnostic efficacies of DCEMRI,DWI and DTI were compared independendy or combined.Results:EA value,lesion enhancement style and TIC pattern were identified as independent factor for differential diagnosis of IBC and DCIS.The combination diagnosis showed higher diagnostic efficacy than a single use of DCE-MRI(P=0.02),and the area of the curve was improved from 0.84(95%CI,0.67-0.99) to0.94(95%CI,0.85-1.00).Conclusions:Quantitative DTI measurement as an adjunct to DCE-MRI could improve the diagnostic performance of differential diagnosis between DCIS and IBC compared to a single use of DCE-MRI. Objective: To determine the value of diffusion-tensor imaging (DTI) as an adjunct to dynamic contrashanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) for improved accuracy of differential diagnosis between breast ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and invasive breast carcinoma (IBC) Methods: The MRI data of 63 patients pathologically confirmed as breast cancer were analyzed. The conventional MRI analysis metrics included enhancement style, initial enhancement characteristic, maximum slope of increase, time to peak, time signal intensity curve (TIC) pattern, and signal intensity on FST2 WI.The values ​​of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), directionally-averaged mean diffusivity (D_ (avg)), exponential attenuation (EA), fractional anisotropy (FA) were calculated and compared between DCIS and IBC.Multivariate logistic regression was used to identify independent factors for distinguishing IBC and DCIS. The diagnostic performance of the diagnosis equation was evaluated usi The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. The diagnostic efficacies of DCEMRI, DWI and DTI were compared independendy or combined. Results: EA value, lesion enhancement style and TIC pattern were identified as independent factor for differential diagnosis of IBC and DCIS. combination diagnosis showed higher diagnostic efficacy than a single use of DCE-MRI (P = 0.02), and the area of ​​the curve was improved from 0.84 (95% CI, 0.67-0.99) to 0.94 (95% CI, 0.85-1.00 ) .Conclusions: Quantitative DTI measurement as an adjunct to DCE-MRI could improve the diagnostic performance of differential diagnosis between DCIS and IBC compared to a single use of DCE-MRI.
目的:研究层粘连蛋白受体(1aminin receptor,LN-R)和组织蛋白酶D(Cathepsin D,Cath-D)在恶性纤维组织细胞瘤(malignant fibroushistiocytoma,MFH)组织中的表达情况,探讨它们之
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The genetic algorithm(GA) is a non-traditional, probability search and global optimization method similar to natural selection and evolution. The key points and
众所周知,免疫力是人体最好的防御系统。正是因为免疫力的存在,身体才有能力抵抗病毒入侵,身体健康才得以保障。遗憾的是,目前只有针对疾病的特异性治疗药物,还没有研制成功能改善免疫力的药物。既然没有,“人以食为天”,人体必须把營养吃进去,吃出自己的免疫力来。营养摄入是免疫力的基石  免疫力是身体的保护神,而营养是身体免疫功能的物质基础。良好的营养能有效保障机体免疫功能的发挥,从而增强人体抵抗病毒感染的能
假设你因感染而卧病在床,定会选择吞下一颗药丸,然后等待着不久后的康复。显而易见,现代人对医疗充满信心。然而,人们并非总能如此幸运。  古往今来,有多少痛哭的人们眼睁睁地看着亲人死于发热、腹泻、伤口感染或其他疾病,又有多少瘟疫摧毁了一个又一个村庄和城镇。据世界卫生组织统计,目前全球每年约有1500万人死于感染,约占全球每年总死亡率的25.5%。即便回溯到战争年代,死于感染的人也远比死于刀剑或子弹的人
王华, 主任医师, 硕士生导师,教授。湖南省人民医院眼视光中心主任,湖南省儿童青少年近视防控技术指导中心主任,湖南省康复医学会视觉康复专业委员会主任委员,中国医师协会眼科分会眼视光专业委员会委员,中国康复医学会视觉康复专业委员会委员,中国医疗保健国际交流促进会视觉康复分会委员,中国微循环学会眼微循环专业委员会眼屈光学组委员。近视防控:布网拉旗  暑期正是治疗近视的高峰期。湖南省人民医院眼视光中心主