截止1985年底,我国黄金保有储量中岩金占43.7%,伴生金占44.2%,砂金占12.1%.就产值而论,据16个矿山统计,伴生金、银产值占矿山年总产值的4.0~32.5%,平均13.47%.由此可见,对于伴生金的研究至关重要,具有战略意义. 但是,目前对伴生金的研究还比较薄弱,问题很多.主要表现为地质资源不清,赋存状态不明,回收利用自流.据主要伴生金产地的长江中下游4省统计,系统研究过伴生金的矿山占23.3%,具有一般性资料的占40%,尚有26.7%的矿山对金未进行过查定.许多老矿山金矿地质研究起步较晚,含金性需要重新认识.这些矿山地质勘探工作多完成
As of the end of 1985, the reserves of gold in China accounted for 43.7% rock gold, associated gold accounted for 44.2%, sand accounted for 12.1% .In terms of output value, according to the statistics of 16 mines, associated gold and silver output accounted for the total annual output of mine 4.0 ~ 32.5%, an average of 13.47% .Therefore, the study of associated gold is of strategic importance.However, the current research on associated gold is still relatively weak and has many problems, mainly because of the unclear geological resources and the state of occurrence Unknown, recycling .According to the statistics of the four provinces in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the major associated gold producing areas, 23.3% of the mines with associated gold have been systematically studied, 40% have general information, and 26.7% of the mines have not carried out the gold Search.Many old mine gold geological research started late, gold need to re-understand the geological exploration of these mines to complete