This article compares the achievements of economic development in East Asia and Central and South America from the 1960s to the 1990s. As the result of the economic development in East Asia, it not only shows the macro-income increase and the equality of income distribution, but also improves the economic welfare of the people through economic development. This is also the result of the adoption by East Asian countries of the industrialization strategy of export aspiration. The fruits brought by the increase in exports by East Asian countries are used in the long-term economic development. The development of the manufacturing industry has in turn led to the development of the agricultural and service sectors and has brought about a virtuous circle of long-awaited national economic development for developing countries. While per caput incomes in Central and South America, albeit high, focussed on particular strata and formed an unequal society that was combined with unequal assets. The final economy stagnated and social turmoil occurred.