列车驶过丹东,窗外可见鸭绿江水流淌。江两岸是两片和平、富有生机的大地。我的脑中忽然闪出这样的情景:一个黄昏,几个年轻人,把背包扔上一辆军用卡车,踏住后轮,翻身上车。车开了,驶过弹痕累累的大桥。夜幕降临,城市和乡镇的断垣残壁在淡淡月光下隐约可见。在那被炸过千万次、又修复过千万次的公路上,在高射炮的射击和敌机的轰鸣声中,数不清的军车满载着战士或物资流水似地行驶在那片硝烟弥漫的土地上……那是1953年年初,抗美援朝的年代。我是那几个搭车的年轻人中的一个,当时正作为《世界知识》的特派记者,奉命赴开城采访。 34年的岁月流逝了! 如今,1987年9月的一天,阳光普照在边境的原野上。我作为中国人民政治协商会议代表团的成员应
Dandong train passing through the window visible Yalu River water dripping. The two sides of the river are two peaceful and energetic land. Suddenly flash in my head such a scene: one evening, a few young people, the backpack thrown on a military truck, stepping on the rear wheel, turning on the train. The car drove past the bullet-proof bridge. As night fell, the ruins of cities and towns and faintly visible in the faint moonlight. On the highway that was blown over 10 million times and repaired tens of millions of times, thousands of vehicles carrying vehicles full of warriors or supplies ran under the roar of antiaircraft guns and enemy planes. The land ... That was the beginning of 1953, the era of the War to Resist USAid Korea. I was one of those few young people hitchhiking, was serving as a correspondent for “world knowledge” and was instructed to interview Kaesong. Thirty-four years have passed! Today, on the day of September 1987, the sun is shining on the border fields. I, as a member of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference delegation, should