
来源 :信息与电脑(理论版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dianq
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企业信息化是现代企业的重要标志,然而如何组建一个高效、安全的企业网络,是许多企业亟待解决的问题。本文在对企业网组网技术进行分析的基础上,以某企业网络建设为背景,提出了搭建大型企业网的技术解决方案,通过构建企业VPN网络实现企业与其分支机构信息的安全共享,以期为大型企业网的组建提供理论及应用参考。 Enterprise information is an important symbol of modern enterprises, however, how to set up an efficient and secure enterprise network is a pressing issue for many enterprises. Based on the analysis of enterprise network technology, based on the network construction of an enterprise, this paper proposes a technical solution to build a large-scale enterprise network. Through the construction of enterprise VPN network, the enterprise and its branch offices share the information safely. The establishment of large-scale enterprise network provides theory and application reference.