【摘 要】
Typical single-pixel imaging techniques for edge detection are mostly based on first-order differential edge detection operators. In this paper, we present a novel edge detection scheme combining Fourier single-pixel imaging with a second-order Laplacian
【机 构】
【出 处】
Typical single-pixel imaging techniques for edge detection are mostly based on first-order differential edge detection operators. In this paper, we present a novel edge detection scheme combining Fourier single-pixel imaging with a second-order Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) operator. This method utilizes the convolution results of an LoG operator and Fourier basis patterns as the modulated patterns to extract the edge detail of an unknown object without imaging it. The simulation and experimental results demonstrate that our scheme can ensure finer edge detail, especially under a noisy environment, and save half the processing time when compared with a traditional first-order Sobel operator.
The 4f7 6s(9S)np 8PJ (J=5/2, 7/2, 9/2) Rydberg series converging to the first ionization limit 4f7 6s 9S4 of the Eu atom using the three-step laser excitation and electric-field-ionization (EFI) method are studied. First, the Eu atom is excited from the 4
针对结构光双目三维重建方法中存在误匹配点较多的问题,提出了一种基于相机抖动的多方位误点淘汰筛选算法。利用平面镜轻微移动模拟相机抖动,对复原图像进行重新投影,进行误点的淘汰筛选,提高复原精度。实验结果表明,该方法与未抖动相机时比较,单幅图复原误点明显减少,多幅图平均精度提高20%~30%,精度平均水平达到0.16 mm,可以实现对机车轨道和轮对检测的高精度三维测量,满足实际检测的高精度要求。
介绍了辐射源尺寸效应(SSE)的定义、测量方法和原理及精密辐射温度计的测温原理。通过直接法和间接法测量标准辐射温度计RT9032和德国KE公司的LP4型辐射温度计的辐射源尺寸效应, 分析了两种测量辐射源尺寸效应方法的差异, 讨论了产生差异的主要原因。这些原因包括由光阑内壁和边缘反射进入黑孔的反射光, 黑孔吸收造成的亮信号的幅度降低和其他杂散光影响因素等。而对于直接法测量SSE不确定度较大的问题, 需要采用均匀性、稳定性非常好的光源, 并且通过检测信号来修正漂移。
Indefinite media with mixed signs of dielectric tensor elements possess unbounded equifrequency surfaces that have been utilized for diverse applications such as superimaging, enhanced spontaneous emission, and thermal radiation. One particularly interest
Broadband mid-infrared (IR) supercontinuum laser sources are essential for spectroscopy in the molecular fingerprint region. Here, we report generation of octave-spanning and coherent mid-IR supercontinua in