麻疹曾经是危害儿童健康的一种高发病。随着麻疹疫苗的广泛接种 ,特别是实行计划免疫以后 ,发病率、死亡率及病死率大幅度下降。 1990~ 1998年 ,我市麻疹发病率已控制在10 /10万以下 ,但少数计免工作薄弱的地区发生麻疹暴发。本文对我市近 5 0年麻疹疫情进行回顾性分析 ,并就?
Measles was once a high incidence of endangering children’s health. With the widespread vaccination of measles vaccine, especially after the implementation of planned immunization, the incidence, mortality and mortality decreased significantly. From 1990 to 1998, the incidence of measles in our city was controlled below 10/100000, but a few outbreaks of measles occurred in the areas where the work was weak. This article retrospectively analyzed the epidemic situation of measles in our city in recent 50 years, and on?