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在机器和仪器制造中,光学量测方法在目前主要是用来检验精密零件或成品。但是,随着对制造精度要求的提高,单纯经验加工后的零件是不够的,需要在制造工艺过程中,特别是在金属切削机床上,直接采用精密的光学量测方法来保证加工的精度。这无疑的是精密制造的一个发展方向。 近年来 In the machinery and equipment manufacturing, optical measuring method is mainly used to test the precision parts or finished products. However, with the improvement of manufacturing precision, simply experiencing the machined parts is not enough, and the precise optical measurement method is required to ensure the machining precision during the manufacturing process, especially on the metal cutting machine tool. This is undoubtedly a development of precision manufacturing. In recent years