
来源 :中华内分泌代谢杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pangpanghai
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本文报道了应用骨计量学方法对两例厚皮性骨膜病(PDP)和进行性骨干发育不良(PDD)病人胫骨活检不脱钙切片进行的初步研究。结果表明,两例病人的骨病理表现有许多相似之处。两者骨髓质病变完全相同,出现淤血性骨坏死。骨皮质哈佛管内有细胞积聚,骨单位外周无人为标记的四环素荧光带。用Norland骨密度计测量病人尺桡骨的骨密度,结果表明,PDP和PDD的骨密度均高于正常对照者。他们还有许多临床方面的相似之处,X光也有相似的表现。为此,我们认为PDP和PDD有可能属于同一疾病的不同亚型,这还有待于做更多的工作予以证实。 In this paper, a preliminary study on bone biometrics for non-dectected tibial biopsies was performed in two patients with thick-skinned pericarditis (PDD) and patients with progressive dysplasia (PDD). The results show that there are many similarities between the two patients in their bone pathology. Both lesions of bone marrow exactly the same, there was congestion of osteonecrosis. Cortical Harvard cell accumulation of cells within the periphery of bone units without human tetracycline fluorescent bands. The bone mineral density of ulna and radius was measured by Norland BMD. The results showed that the BMD of PDP and PDD were higher than those of normal controls. They also have many clinical similarities, X-ray also have similar performance. For this reason, we think PDP and PDD may belong to different subtypes of the same disease, which needs more work to be confirmed.