In this paper, a preliminary study on bone biometrics for non-dectected tibial biopsies was performed in two patients with thick-skinned pericarditis (PDD) and patients with progressive dysplasia (PDD). The results show that there are many similarities between the two patients in their bone pathology. Both lesions of bone marrow exactly the same, there was congestion of osteonecrosis. Cortical Harvard cell accumulation of cells within the periphery of bone units without human tetracycline fluorescent bands. The bone mineral density of ulna and radius was measured by Norland BMD. The results showed that the BMD of PDP and PDD were higher than those of normal controls. They also have many clinical similarities, X-ray also have similar performance. For this reason, we think PDP and PDD may belong to different subtypes of the same disease, which needs more work to be confirmed.