今年实行双休日以来,到各类水域钓鱼的人们多了起来,渔场到处热热闹闹。“钓翁之意不在鱼”,不论其有否收获,一周的疲劳,心里的烦恼、委屈,家庭的不愉快琐事,统统忘掉,甚是惬意。 可是钓友们胜利归去后的“战场”却令人摇头长叹!满地随风飘落的塑料袋,沾满油渍的包装纸、卫生纸,五颜六色的果皮、果核,横躺竖卧的卫生筷,大大小小的酒瓶、饮料瓶、罐头盒,各类档次的烟蒂,抛弃的各种食品残骸,五花八门的剩余钓
Since the weekends this year, more people are fishing in various types of waters. The fishing grounds are bustling around. “Fishing Weng’s meaning is not fish,” regardless of whether it has been harvested, a week of fatigue, heart trouble, grievances, family unpleasant trivia, all forget, it is pleasant. However, after the victory of fishing friends returned to the “battlefield” it is shaking his head! Plastic bag falling on the ground with the wind, oil-impregnated wrapping paper, toilet paper, colorful peel, fruit core, horizontal lying vertical sanitary chopsticks, large and small bottles, beverage bottles, cans, all kinds of grades Cigarette butts, abandoned a variety of food debris, a wide variety of fishing