神州数码,一个响当当的名字。自从联想集团分拆出来,就在IT业名声大噪。可是对制造业领域来说,它还很陌生。但2002年 6月21日,Autodesk公司同神州数码(中国)有限公司在北京举行了“Autodesk AutoCAD LT 2002简体中文版”的发布会。这是否表明神州数码将要进军制造业?而推出的 AutoCAD LT 2002简体中文版又是一个什么样的定位呢?诸多问题等待解答。6月27日我们如约采访了增值软件事业部副总经理陈力靖先生,他对我的疑惑经了较为满意的解释。
Digital China, a well-known name. Since the break-up of Lenovo Group, it has become famous in the IT industry. However, it is still unfamiliar to the manufacturing industry. However, on June 21, 2002, Autodesk and Digital China (China) Co., Ltd. held the launch conference of “Autodesk AutoCAD LT 2002 Simplified Chinese” in Beijing. Does this indicate that Digital China is going to enter the manufacturing industry? What kind of positioning is the simplified Chinese version of AutoCAD LT 2002? Many questions are waiting for answers. On Jun. 27, we interviewed Mr. Chen Lijing, deputy general manager of the value-added software business division, as he conducted an appraisal of his doubts.