子夜惊魂 2002年12月27日深夜,一辆自行车冒着寒风左右摇晃地行驶在云南省保山市南郊的公路上,骑车人是一个中年男人。他喘着粗气,呼吸中散发出浓烈的酒气。后架上坐着的女人,用绿色军大衣紧紧裹住自己的身子。突然一束雪白的光线从身后远处射来,一辆货车紧逼上来,“砰”一声,自行车被撞飞,女人恐怖的叫喊划过漆黑的夜空……货车加速向前方驶去,公路上又恢复了死一样的寂静。 中年男子从昏迷中醒来,摸索着找到扭曲的自行车。他大声呼喊着女人的名字,奇怪的是女人竟然不翼而飞。 保山市隆阳区交警大队122报
Night Cry December 27, 2002 late at night, a bike braved the cold around rumble driving in the southern suburbs of Baoshan City, Yunnan Province, the road, the rider is a middle-aged man. He gasped, breathing a strong alcohol. After the woman sitting on the shelf, with a green army coat tightly wrapped around his body. Suddenly a bunch of white light shot from afar behind, a truck pressed up, “bang” soon, the bike was hit fly, a woman screams of terror across the dark night sky ... ... truck speeding forward to drive on the highway Resuming the same dead silence. Middle-aged man woke up from a coma, groping to find a twisted bike. He shouted the woman’s name aloud, and the strange thing was that a woman was gone. Baoshan City Longyang District Traffic Police Brigade 122 reported