一、矿区建设的快速发展使供水矛盾日益突出(略) 二、立足现状科学解决水资源问题为当务之急水资源的严重短缺已成为平朔公司向亿吨级大型煤电基地发展的瓶颈。面对严重的水资源形势,中煤集团和平朔公司把水的问题放在企业发展的全局中进行通盘考虑。立足现
First, the rapid development of mining construction makes the contradiction between water supply increasingly prominent (omitted) Second, based on the status quo to solve the problem of water resources as a matter of urgency A serious shortage of water resources has become the Pingshuo company to 100 million tons of large-scale coal-fired power base development bottleneck. Faced with the serious situation of water resources, China Coal Group and Pingshuo company to water issues in the overall context of enterprise development for all considerations. Based on the present