案例 1992年3月30日,平凉市毛呢厂李某,驾驶37—01997跃进客货车,在西兰线15km+865m处(陕西彬县境内)会车时,因下雨路滑,车速过快,转弯时采取措施不当,结果造成单方“倾覆”事故。事故发生后,李某在未经保险公司同意的情况下,将车拖至平凉市东郊汽修厂修理,所花工时、材料费2905.91元,施救费180元。由于该车于1991年9月3日投保了机动车辆保险(包括车损及第三者责任险),保险期限一年。李某据此
Case March 30, 1992, Lee Dong-woolen factory in Pingliang City, driving 37-01997 Yuejin vans, 15km + 865m in the West Line (Bin County, Shaanxi Province) will be car, due to rain on the road slippery, too fast Quick, improper steps taken while cornering, resulting in unilateral “capsize” accident. After the accident, Lee without the consent of the insurance company, the car towed to the eastern suburbs of Pingliang repair garage repair, the time spent on materials 2905.91 yuan, materials, rescue costs 180 yuan. As the car on September 3, 1991 insured motor vehicle insurance (including car damage and third party liability insurance), the insurance period of one year. Lee accordingly