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一是以强化经济运行监测为基础,引导行业企业提高经济效益和质量;二是以化解产能过剩矛盾为重点,深化产业结构战略性调整;三是以提高自主创新能力为目标,深入实施创新驱动发展战略;四是以实施责任关怀为抓手,大力推进行业生态文明建 First, to strengthen the economic operation monitoring based on the guidance of industrial enterprises to improve economic efficiency and quality; the second is to resolve the overcapacity contradictions as the focus, deepen the strategic adjustment of industrial structure; the third is to improve the capability of independent innovation as the goal, in-depth implementation of innovation-driven Development strategy; Fourth, take responsibility and care as the starting point, and vigorously promote the construction of industry and ecological civilization