
来源 :贵州教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qinpeizhen
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幼儿情感教育是幼儿教育的重要内容,是幼儿园工作的重心,也是目前社会关注的热点。《纲要》指出:幼儿园教育的内容根据幼儿学习活动的范畴划分为五大领域(健康、社会、科学、语言、艺术等),每个领域都有情感教育的内容,这就再次强调了情感教育在幼儿教育中的重要性。培养身心健全的人是幼儿教育最根本的目标和任务。因此,幼儿情感教育是幼儿教育的重要内容,它在培养幼儿良好情感、促进幼儿身心健康方面具有重要意义。 Infant emotional education is an important part of early childhood education, is the focus of kindergarten work, but also the current social concern. According to the Outline, the content of kindergarten education is divided into five major areas (health, social, science, language, art, etc.) according to the category of children’s learning activities. Each field has the content of emotional education. This emphasizes once again that emotional education The importance of early childhood education. To develop a healthy body and mind is the most fundamental goal and task of early childhood education. Therefore, children’s emotional education is an important part of early childhood education. It plays an important role in cultivating children’s good emotions and promoting their physical and mental health.