Lu Xun once mentioned Chen Anren twice in his diary, one on March 25, 1927 and the other on March 31, 1927. Recently, Mr. Zhu Hong published “Chen Yannian and Lu Xun’s Two Meetings in Guangzhou” in the “Hundred Tide” (No. 8, 2004), saying that “Chen Anren” in Lu Xun’s Diary is Chen Yanian. I disagree with this, this essay to consult Mr. Zhu. Mr. Zhu was convinced that Lu Xun had met Chen Yannian on the basis of a visit to Lai Yurun by the author of “Chen Yanian” in June 1973. Since March 1926 until the summer of 1927, Charyu Yurun has been serving as Secretary General of the Executive Committee of the Guangdong Provincial CPC Committee. His true fate is that he should know well the whereabouts of Chen Yannian, then secretary of the CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee, There is no problem with the memory of Lu Xun meeting. However, among all kinds of historical materials, the memoirs are the most dangerous materials, which has become the consensus of most historians. Under normal circumstances, the credibility of a memory of information, often rely on memories of memories and memories of things