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近年来,随着我国电子工业的迅速发展,集成电路发展得更加迅速,新品种不断踊现,质量和数量都有显著提高,随之而来的应用亦在不断深入和扩大。因此,从事电子技术应用的工程技术人员和工人迫切要求了解集成电路原理知识,尤其对如何使用要求更加迫切。为了推动集成电路事业的发展,普及推广集成电路的应用,本刊与中国无线电器材公司半导处商讨决定,从本期开始,开辟“集成电路及其应用”专栏。本刊计划今、明两年连续报导较新的、有代表性的、较有前途的集成电路,重点放在“应用’两字上。今年的报导重点是CMOS电路在数字方面的应用,明年除报导CMOS电路在模拟方面的应用外,还将报导线性电路,稳压源电路,音响电路以及一、四位微处理机等方面内容。欢迎广大读者踊跃投稿,希望广大读者对报导内容多提宝贵意见。 In recent years, with the rapid development of China’s electronics industry, the development of integrated circuits has become more rapid and new varieties are constantly emerging. Both the quality and the quantity have been remarkably improved, and the consequent applications have been continuously deepened and expanded. Therefore, engineers and technicians engaged in the application of electronic technology urgently need knowledge of the principles of integrated circuits, and more particularly how to use the requirements. In order to promote the development of integrated circuits, popularize and promote the application of integrated circuits, our company and China Radio Equipment Company Semiconductors Department to discuss the decision, starting from this issue, open up “integrated circuits and applications” column. The magazine plans to introduce more recent, representative and promising integrated circuits in the next two years with a focus on “application.” This year’s report focuses on the digital applications of CMOS circuits and next year In addition to reporting the application of analog circuits in CMOS circuits, linear circuits, constant voltage source circuits, audio circuits, and microprocessors of one or four microprocessors will also be reported. Many readers are kindly invited to submit their contributions. valuable opinion.
2010年3月29日上午,安徽省凤阳县武店镇耿陆村的老读者沈洪亚,咨询我河北科禹防水项目,及如何判断自己适合代理还是建厂的问题。 On the morning of March 29, 2010, Shen H
(附十六图)(一)小引 蜈蚣是一种类似昆虫的动物,属於节足动物门(Arthr-opoda)多足纲(Myriapoda)唇足类目(Chilopoda),分布於热带和亚热带。是普通所常见的动物,也是普通一般
本方法是通过对当地近二千例使用IUD 的农村妇女的多因素分析而得出的,有一定价值。本法简便易行、有独立见解,故介绍给读者,欢迎对其实用价值及科学性进行探讨,也欢迎大家对