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利用塑料大棚栽培蔬菜,往往由于施肥方法不当等原因,忽视了棚内通风,使棚内氨气、亚硝酸气、氯气、乙烯、一氧化碳等有毒有害气体过量蓄积,为害蔬菜。为了防止棚室内有毒气体为害发生,在管理上应注意以下几点: 1.不用未经充分腐熟的粪肥或新鲜厩肥作基肥。未经腐熟的有机肥在发酵过程中产生的亚硝酸气体、二氧化硫、硫化氢等有毒气体会为害蔬菜。 2.不施用碳酸氢肥作追肥。因为施用碳酸氢铵后棚内会产生高浓度的氨气,致使蔬菜氨中毒。追肥中以施尿素、硫铵为好,施后应立即浇水,或穴施覆土。 3.低温季节追肥后,应适当增加放风量,排除有毒气体。 4.对大棚加温。不用含硫量高的劣质煤,而且要等到煤正常燃烧后再将煤炉搬人 The use of plastic greenhouse cultivation of vegetables, often due to improper fertilization methods and other reasons, neglected shed ventilation, so shed ammonia, nitrous acid, chlorine, ethylene, carbon monoxide and other toxic and harmful gases over-accumulation of harmful vegetables. In order to prevent harmful indoor greenhouse gas hazards occurred in the management should pay attention to the following points: 1. Do not use inadequate maturity of manure or fresh manure as a base fertilizer. Nitrogenous gas, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and other toxic gases produced by the decomposed organic fertilizer during fermentation will be harmful to vegetables. 2. Do not apply bicarbonate fertilizer for top dressing. Because the use of ammonium bicarbonate shed will produce high concentrations of ammonia, resulting in vegetable ammonia poisoning. Top dressing to urea, ammonium sulfate is good, immediately after the application of watering, or hole soil. 3. After the season dressing, should be appropriate to increase the amount of ventilation, excluding toxic gases. 4. Warm the greenhouse. Do not use low sulfur content of high-quality coal, but also to wait until the normal combustion of coal and then move the coal stove
患者女,65岁。因血肌酐升高(155μmol/L)2月余就诊。入院后肾脏穿刺活检组织病理提示,肾小血管闭塞及肾间质纤维化,起初考虑为全身动脉粥样硬化一部分,予瑞舒伐他汀20 mg 每晚1次、
【摘 要】本文通过对学习直流电路的重要性;低压直流在电子等各行各业的应用;直流在电力系统中的二次回路中的应用、在柔性直流输电的应用以及在超高压特高压直流输电的应用的分析,提出直流电基础学习的重要性。  【关键词】低压直流;柔性直流输电;超高压直流  目前直流电在我国电力系统应用有低压直流、柔性直流输电和超高压直流输电。低压直流主要用于发电厂和变电站的二次回路中,柔性直流输电正应用于智能电网,而超高
  Incorporation of protein into starch modify the final viscosity and thermal properties of composites.The formation of corn starch (CS) and sodium caseinate
【摘 要】通过雷电对铁塔、电源等直接入侵基站和感应雷、雷电的二次感应间接入侵基站的分析,以及现有基站模式:塔包房、塔机分设、板房模式的防雷浅析,找出了移动基站易遭雷击的关键点。将综合防雷和重点防雷相结合的办法,使基站的防雷既经济又有效。  【关键词】雷电;入侵;有效防护;移动基站  1.序言  本论文结合工作实践,分析雷电入侵基站的途径和基站的有效、经济防雷方法。  2.雷电的特性  雷电是一种自
  The enzyme resistant starch (E-RS) tracnon 1s known to play important physiological roles and it has potential to lower the risk of many diet related non-in