我院自1979年以来进行960例同种异体肾移植手术(包括母子亲属肾移植5例),因眼疾就诊眼科的患者相对较多,现将肾移植术后在眼科进行白内障手术的患者作一临床分析. 1 资料和方法 12例(23眼)白内障(不包括因经济原因未能行白内障手术的2例患者),男9例,女3例;年龄33-55岁,平均49.5岁;肾移植术后2-14年,平均8.5年.肾移植术前透析时间1-3月,均为慢性肾炎、尿毒症.
960 cases of allogeneic kidney transplantation (including 5 cases of mother-kidney relatives kidney transplantation) in our hospital since 1979, ophthalmic patients due to eye disease are relatively more patients, now after kidney transplantation in ophthalmic cataract surgery patients make a Clinical analysis 1 Materials and Methods 12 cases (23 eyes) of cataract (excluding 2 patients who were unable to undergo cataract surgery due to economic reasons), 9 males and 3 females, aged 33-55 years with an average of 49.5 years old. The kidney 2-14 years after transplantation, an average of 8.5 years. Dialysis time before renal transplantation from January to March, are chronic nephritis, uremia.