四季桔(Fortunella obovata)也叫月月桔.属于芸香科柑桔亚科的一个种,据说是金柑与桔类的杂交种.是常绿性灌木或灌木状小乔木.其果实可制造蜜饯.也是地栽与盆栽供人们观赏的好花果,好树种.近年来各地果农都在进行繁育其苗木,以满足人们的需要,为了加快繁殖苗木和达到早开花、早结果的目的,我们从三个方面进行探索.以期找出理想的砧木及最适的嫁接期与方法.现将结果简介如下.
Fortunella obovata, also known as Moon and Moon Citrus, is a species of the subgenus Rutaceae that is said to be a hybrid of kumquat and orange, an evergreen shrub or shrubby tree whose fruits produce candied fruit. Is also planted and potted for people to watch the good fruit, good tree species in recent years, fruit and vegetable growing around their seedlings are to meet people’s needs, in order to accelerate the breeding of seedlings and early flowering, the purpose of early results, we from the three In order to find out the ideal rootstock and the optimal grafting period and method, the result is as follows.