2005年1月22日至29日,应英国国家图书馆国际敦煌项目部主任魏泓博士(Susan Whitfield)的邀请赴英访学,其间参观了敦煌文献修复工作室。1994年国际敦煌项目成立之后,为加强敦煌文献数字化进程,专门成立了这间修复工作室。我们到访时他们正准备修复 S.6349号《易三备》,我们得以第二次见到这件心仪已久的文献。2001年我们曾经有幸见到过一次,然而当时条件不允许,只是在简单拍了几张照片后,恋恋不舍地看着管理者将它小心翼翼地放回玻璃柜中。此次我们承蒙这间修复工作室主任 Mark Barnard 博士的特别允可,仔细品
From January 22 to January 29, 2005, at the invitation of Susan Whitfield, director of the International Dunhuang Project Department at the National Library of Great Britain, he visited Britain to visit the Dunhuang Documentation Restoration Workshop. After the establishment of the International Dunhuang Project in 1994, the restoration workshop was specially established to strengthen the digitalization of Dunhuang literature. They were preparing to fix S-6349 Yi-San-Bei on our visit and we were able to see this long-awaited document for the second time. We had the privilege of seeing it once in 2001, but conditions were not allowed at that time, but after a few simple snapshots, we reluctantly watched the manager carefully divert it back into the glass case. This time we are courtesy of Dr. Mark Barnard, Director of the Rehabilitation Studio,