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随着我国经济大发展,我国城市公共土地的建设也正在加速发展,城市公园作为主要的城市公共土地,其数量也在迅速增加。城市公园是一种能在不同季节和时刻为城市居民提供的、有一定使用功能的自然化、社会化、艺术化的游憩生活境域,是市民文化传播、情感交流、压力释放的场所。城市公园设计的根本是景观设计,而造景设计作为其主要内容和方法,对整个城市公园设计起着举足轻重的作用。造景设计包括地形造景、植物造景、山石造景和建筑造景等,其中地形造景和植物造景是在城市公园设计中最为常用的,本文围绕这两种造景设计进行具体探讨。 With the rapid economic development in our country, the construction of urban public land in our country is also accelerating. As the main urban public land, urban parks are rapidly increasing in number. Urban park is a natural, social and artistic recreational life that can be used by urban residents in different seasons and times. It is also a place of cultural transmission, emotional exchange and pressure release of citizens. Urban park design is the fundamental landscape design, and landscape design as its main content and method of the entire urban park design plays a decisive role. Landscaping design, including landscaping, plant landscaping, rock landscape and building landscaping, landscape architecture and landscaping landscaping is the most common in the design of urban parks, the paper focuses on these two landscape design for specific discussions .
摘要 色彩艺术在人们生活中随处可见,并且文化的发展促使人们不仅将色彩的认识于视觉层面体现出来,而且越来越重视色彩艺术对其精神上的关照。本文主要针对建筑设计领域的色彩艺术进行探讨,分析色彩艺术效应对建筑色彩的影响,阐述色彩艺术对强化建筑表现力、传达建筑艺术语言及其情感的重要作用,其意在于能够更好地构建符合人们需要的建筑艺术环境。  关键词:建筑表现力 建筑设计 色彩艺术 视觉层面  中图分类号:TU
雨一点一滴地下着,连缀成线,拉扯着前尘往事的回忆,浅浅地却又决绝地坠向黛色的青石板,尔后与之一起碎得七零八落,像是谁把那唐朝的诗与宋朝的词一股脑地投下,氤氲出一场场咿咿呀呀的折子戏,无人欣赏,却也无限清欢。  有了雨,老巷方为老巷。阳光过于明媚,读不懂老巷的悲欢,更参不透岁月的流殇。大概只有在这老旧默片里,伴着古祠远远的钟声,幽幽缈缈地随雨线一起,点滴阶前,老巷才会渐渐转醒,将心慢慢舒展。  老巷