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企业技术进步,包括新科技成果的采用及对旧工艺的改进。新科技成果的采用对生产设备的要求较高,需大量的固定资产投资,而对旧工艺的改进,则可较大程度地利用现有设备实现,相较之下,对目前我国大部分工业企业来说,后一种选择是更为适宜的。但是,从工业企业整体上看,相当一部分企业仍把追求数量型发展作为其主要期求,轻视技术进步,特别忽视固定资产的存量投资。既使近两年在严峻的经济形势下,一部分企业对依靠技术进步有所认识,开始重视技术开发和技术改造,也还是基本停留在增量投资的层次上,缺乏深层次存量投资的内涵挖潜。主要体现是:在技术开发上多偏重于与新产品开发相关的技术开发,忽视现有产品工艺的创新和改革;在技术改造上则多偏重于缺乏深入分析的、取代现有设备和工艺的装备更新和基建的扩展,或是旨在增加产值的装备增量,大体上仍未脱离外延型的技术改造,不同程度地忽视现有技术存量投资的内涵挖潜。 Enterprise technological progress, including the adoption of new scientific and technological achievements and improvements to the old process. The adoption of new scientific and technological achievements requires high requirements for production equipment and requires a large amount of investment in fixed assets. Improvements in the old technology can be achieved with greater use of existing equipment. In contrast, most of the industries in China today For enterprises, the latter option is more appropriate. However, from the perspective of industrial enterprises as a whole, a considerable number of enterprises still regard the pursuit of quantitative development as their main demand, despise technological progress, and particularly neglect the stock investment in fixed assets. Even in the severe economic situation in the past two years, some companies have come to rely on technological advancement awareness and started to pay attention to technological development and technological transformation. They have also basically stayed at the level of incremental investment, lacking the potential for deep-seated stock investment. . The main manifestation is: in technology development, more emphasis is placed on technology development related to new product development, ignoring the innovation and reform of existing product processes; on technological innovation, more emphasis is placed on the lack of in-depth analysis to replace existing equipment and processes. The expansion of equipment renewal and infrastructure, or the increase in equipment designed to increase output value, has still largely remained independent of the extension of technological transformation, and it has neglected the intension of potential investment in existing technologies in varying degrees.
穿墙术  ……你穿过  一堵墙一堵墙一堵堵墙  来到我跟前  把穿墙术从我身上轻轻地拿走了  隐身术  ……突然地,我隐身而去  从世界上  像一枚松针混迹于月光下的松林  一滴水消失于水中  但我从不曾离开你  我一直注视着你——你呼吸的空气,荒废的身体,空茫的眼睛  一日日接近枯蒿的叹息  我隐身了  ——你伤疤上泛出的我的指纹,也是子虚乌有的  像从前的虚构  催眠术  ……云朵,盛开在天空
一 80年代以来,美国掀起了一股开发煤层气的热潮。根据天然气研究协会提供的数字,80年代美国煤层气产量不断上升。1982年煤层气产量不到1亿立方米,而1990年产量已达到约68亿
菱镁矿自1860年发现以来。其开发利用有了长足地发展。现在已成为国民经济不可缺少的重要矿物原料。一、我国的英镁矿资源 我国的英镁矿资源极其丰富。 Magnesite since i