“狮身人面像病了!”消息传开,震惊了全埃及。议会紧急讨论,报刊争相报道。各国文物专家纷至沓来,人们异口同声地疾呼:“快救救它!”它得了什么“病”?人们为什么如此着急? 走出熙熙攘攘的开罗市,来到西郊茫茫的沙漠,绕过闻名于世的胡夫大金字塔,便可看到干谷里匍伏着一座巨大的狮身人面像。相传,公元前2,610年,法老哈夫拉到此巡视自己的陵墓——哈夫拉金字塔工程时,发现了建造胡夫大金字塔时遗弃在干谷采石工地上的一块巨石。为了使自己的形象永存于
“The Sphinx was ill!” The news spread and shocked Egypt. Parliamentary emergency discussions, newspapers compete for coverage. Why do people get so anxious? Out of the bustling city of Cairo, come to the vast desert of the western suburbs, bypassing the world-famous Khufu Pyramid, you can see the dry valley creeping with a huge Sphinx. According to legend, in 2, 610 BC, when Pharaoh Hafrah visited his own mausoleum, the Khafre Pyramid Project, it was discovered that a large stone was abandoned at the Gwangall quarry during the construction of the Great Pyramid of Khufu. In order to make our own image forever