
来源 :上海教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wqra555551q
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基于“上海市中小学生家庭教育基本情况调查”而写成的调查报告《家长负担的多与少》(详见《上海教育》2007年05A),引起了读者的强烈反响。育人是一项综合工程,不仅需要学校的努力,也需要家庭和社会的配合。对于目前上海家庭教育中的一些现象和问题究竟该怎么看,基于不同的角色与身份,会做出不同的解读。本刊将陆续刊发相关方面的见解,与读者共同讨论这一问题。 Based on the “Survey of Primary and Secondary School Family Education in Shanghai” and the survey report “More and Less Parents Pay” (see “Shanghai Education” 2007 05A), aroused strong repercussions of readers. Educating people is a comprehensive project that requires not only the efforts of schools but also the cooperation of families and the community. For the current family education in Shanghai some of the phenomena and problems of what exactly to see, based on different roles and identities, will make a different interpretation. This issue will be published one after another related views, and readers together to discuss this issue.