竞争的时代有竞争的精彩。21世纪是世界走向中国的世纪。中国申奥成功了,中国顺利加入了世贸组织,世界华商大会聚首南京,APEC 会议移师上海……在国内,各企事业单位求贤若渴;科教兴国,高等教育大众化顺势而行;高校连续三年大扩招;各种名目繁多的培训中心、民办院校如雨后春笋,蓬勃发展……一派生机勃勃的景象。然而,市场经济条件下人才的竞争是残酷的,昔日大学毕业生那种“皇帝的女儿不愁嫁”的分配模式已黄花不再,毕业生就业“买方市场”已经形成,传统的统招统分
The competitive era has a wonderful competition. The 21st century is the century when the world is going to China. China has successfully applied for the Olympic bid. China successfully joined the WTO. The World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention gathered in Nanjing and the APEC meeting moved to Shanghai. In the country, all enterprises and institutions are desperate for their own lives; science and education are rejuvenating the country and the popularization of higher education takes place; Large enrollment; a variety of well-known training centers, private institutions springing up, thriving ... ... a vibrant scene. However, under the conditions of a market economy, the competition for qualified personnel is brutal. In the past, the distribution pattern of university graduates that “the daughter of the emperor has no worries about marriage” is no longer a reality. The employment of graduates and the “buyer’s market” have taken shape. The traditional The system of unification