一忌短期突击训练。有些田径运动队没有常年训练的习惯,而是在赛前一个半月左右组队训练。由于时间短,教练员往往急于求成,对运动员进行超负荷训练,往往欲速不达,伤害事故不断发生。 二忌选材和训练心中无数。有的学校从不开运动会,也没有体育档案,选材全凭教师头脑中的印象。由于选材不准,训练过程中只好频繁换入,或者训练成绩上不去。有的教练员工作不扎实,赛前对运动员的成绩心中无数。例如,在4×100米接力训练时,不了解谁的速度最快,谁
Avoid short-term surprise training. Some athletic teams do not have the habit of year-round training, but team training about a month and a half before the game. Due to the short time, coaches often rush to success, overloaded athletes training, often do not want to speed up, injuries continue to occur. Second, no choice of material and training heart countless. Some schools never open sports meetings, there is no sports file, the selection of materials depends entirely on the minds of teachers. Due to the material is not allowed, the training process had frequent exchange, or training scores go up. Some coaches work is not solid, pre-competition athlete’s mind countless. For example, in 4 × 100 meters relay training, who do not know who the fastest, who