Guddu's Lucky Day 古杜的幸运日

来源 :中学生英语·九年级 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yjxff520
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  The sun shone through Gayatri’s winclow. Itteasedl her eyelids open. She yawned2, stretchedand got out of bed-things she had done athousand times before. For Gayatri, today beganlike any other day.
  Gayatri Verma was a bright, 12-year-old girlwith sparkling3 eyes and dimpled4 smile. She wasan eighth grade student in a local school. foreverpraying5 to God for a new bicycle. She hatedtravelling in a school bus. After all she was bigenough to ride the bike on busy streets. But whowould make her mother understand?
  She had just finished tying her striped 6 tieover her blue and white uniform when hermother called. "Guddu!
  Guddu Verma. clon ’ tforget to keep your shorts. Remember, you havegymnastics7 after school."
  Gayatri hated it when her mother called herthat! Guddu was such an awful name.
  As she ate breakfast, Gayatri’s thoughtsturned to her two best friends, Nitya and Mitu.They both loved to call her CJudu. Her parentstoo liked the sound of Guddu. The Verma couplethought the name very affectionate 8 andcharming. It was beyond Gayatri’s understandinghow anyone could find the name Guddu charming.
  Gathering her school bag and lunch. shekissed her mother and left for school. On her wayout, Gayatri looked down and found a small pinkenvelope lying on the porch 9. There was no nameon it. She picked it up, admiring the design on theenvelope. Thinking she would like to copy thedesign in her art class, Gayatri put the envelope inher pocket.
  At lunch time Gayatri hurried to meet herfriends in the canteen. Mitu was there. She hadwild curly hair and an equally wild sense ofhumour! She could always make Gayatri laugh.They had known each other since kindergarten.
  Nitya was new to the school. She was new intown. Gayatri and Mitu had met her on the firstday of school. Most kids thought Nitya was verysnobbishm, but they both knew it was shyness onNitya’s part that made her keep away from mostof her classmates.
  "Hey, Gayatri! " caalled Mitu. "I have eggparatha today. Wanna trade?"
  吃早餐时,加亚特里的思绪转向了她的两个最好的朋友,尼蒂娅和米图。她们都喜欢叫她古杜。她的父母也喜欢古杜的发音。维尔玛夫妇觉得这个名字非常亲切迷人。加亚特里无法理解为什么有人会觉得古杜这个名字很迷人。   收拾好書包和午饭,吻了吻妈妈,她就去上学了。在出去的途中,加亚特里低头发现门廊上放着一个粉红色的小信封,上面没有名字。她拿起信封,欣赏着信封上的图案。考虑到想在美术课上模仿这个图案,加亚特里就把信封放进了口袋。
  "Sorry Mitu," Gayatri answered. "Mommade me my favourite sandwich today."
  "I have chocolate pudding too, teasedMitu.
  Gayatri thought about the pink envelopeshe had found on her way to school. Theenvelope with a design that she wanted to drawout in her art class. But she did not really needthe envelope. She coulcl remember the designand. besides. she really loved chocolate pudding!
  "Mitu. I found this envelope on the porchthis morning. Do you want to trade it for yourpudding?" Gayatri asked.
  Mitu studied the little pink envelope. LikeGayatri, she thought it might be fun to draw thedesign.
  "Sure Gayatri, I am too full for the puddinganyway, ’ said Mitu.
  The bell rang and it was time to get back toclass.
  When Mitu went back to her class, a girlcalled Lovely walked in with a fistful 11 of newpencils. Mitu’s pencil had shrunk12 to nearlyhalf its size. because she had sharpened’3 it sooften. She offered to trade the pink envelope forone of Lovely’ s pencils.
  Lovely looked at the paper. Underneath thedesign were several numbers written in a line.Among them were the numbers 10 and 13. Tenwas the month of October in whic:h Lovely wasborn and 13 was her birth date.
  "Sure," Lovely agreed, "I’ll trade." She wasthinking, it just might be lucky!
  Later, during the maths class, Lovely foundshe was out of paper. She turned to her friendRimjhim seated behind her.
  "I have this lucky paper. I’ll trade it withyou for some paper, okay?" Lovely told Rimjhim.
  Rimjhim loved anything "lucky". Shestudied the small pink envelope and decided itwould make a bookmark for the book she wasreading! She agreed and placed the luckyenvelope in her book.
  After school, Gayatri, Nitya and Mitu walkedtowards Gayatri’s mother’s car. She was going todrop them to their gymnastic’4 class. Just thenRimjhim came running up to the car. Her motherhad called the school saying she wouldn’ t be ableto pick her up and Rimjhim didn’t want to takethe bus to the gymnastic class.   Rimjhim told Gayatri, "I’ll give you mylucky bookmark if you let me come with you."
  Gayatri stared at Rimjhim’s bookmark. Itwas the same pink envelope she had found on theporch this morning! It was crumpled’5 now, andone of the corners was bent. but there at the topwas the design she wanted to draw.
  How did Rimjhim end up with it?
  Gayatri smiled and said, "Hop in." Then shetucked the envelope back into the same pocketwhere it had first rested.
  Later that evening, while Gayatri was gettinginto her pyjamas’6, she heard her father shoutingdownstairs. Her father rarely shouted! Somethingwas wrong!
  She ran downstairs and into the living room.Her parents were sitting on the sofa in front ofthe television.
  "Dad. what ’ s wrong?" Gayatri asked.
  Her mother said. "Honey, everything ’ s okay.He’s just disappointed. He bought a lottery’7ticket last night and somehow lost it. He’s beenplaying the same number for years and tonight,and his number finally came up! We’re bothjust disappointed."
  Gayatri’s father said in a shaky 18 tone, "Idon ’t understand how I could have lost it. I put itin my shirt pocket, then I drove home. I stoppedat the porch to pick up the evening newspaper,then came into the house. I didn’t know it wasgone until just now, when I looked for it."
  "Dad. what did the ticket look like?"Gayatri asked. thinking about the small pinkenvelope.
  Her mother smiled. "Cuddu. it looked...well. like a lottery ticket. Don’t worry about it. Itisn’t like we lost something we already had. We ’reno worse off than we were before."
  “爸爸,那张彩票是什么样子的?”加亚特里问道,她想起了那个粉红色的小信封。   她的妈妈笑着说:“古杜,它看起来……嗯,就像一张彩票。别担心,我们又不是失去了已经拥有的东西。我们的情况并没有比以前更糟。”
  Gayatri ran upstairs and pulled the envelopefrom the pocket of her uniform. Then she took itdownstairs to the two people she loved most in theworld.
  "Did it look like this?" she asked hopefully.
  They stared at the paper, then at each other.Suddenly, as one single excited voice, they bothscreamed 19, "Gayatri! "
  "Tomorrow we shall go to the market to buyyou a bicycle," her mother exclaimed happily. "Ithink you are responsible enough now.
  Guddu Verma smiled. Her parents had calledher Gayatri!
  Then she smiled again, imagining how herfriends would react20 0n seeing her with her newbicycle. Today indeed had been a very lucky day!
  1.tease [ti?z]v.取笑;戏弄;强求
  2.yawn [j??n]v.打哈欠
  3.sparkling [?spɑ?kl??] adj.闪闪发光的 4.dimpled[?d?mpld] adj.带酒窝的
  5.pray [pre?] v.祈祷;央求
  6.striped [stra?pt]adj.有条纹的
  7.gymnastics [d??m?n?st?ks] n.體操
  8.affectionate [??fek??n?t] adj,深情的;充满爱的
  9.porch [p??t?]n.门廊
  10. snobbish [?sn?b??] adj.势利的
  II. fistful[?f?stf?l]n.一把
  12. shrink [?r??k] v-缩小,收缩
  13. sharpen [??ɑ?pn]y.削尖;磨快
  14. gymnastic [d??m?n?st?k] adj.体操的
  15. crumple[?kr?mpl] v.弄皱
  16. pyjamas [p??d?ɑ?m?z] n.睡衣
  17. lottery[?l?t?r?] n.彩票
  18. shaky[??e?k?]adj.颤抖的
  19. scream [skri?m]v.尖叫
  20. react [r???kt] v.反应,作出反应
Few minor injuries are as painful as the dreaded paper cut. Just thinking about it probably makes you cringe (畏缩). However, these cuts are usually small, hardly noticeable, and rarely bleed. So what m
Once upon a time, a man punished(惩罚) his 5-year-old daughter for using up the family’s only roll of expensive gold wrapping paper(包装纸). Money was tight(拮据的), and he became even more upset on Christmas
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只有理论上的坚定,才有思考上的冷静成熟,才有实践上的一往无前。开展“不忘初心、牢記使命”主题教育,马克思主义学院理应走在前列,努力加强马克思主义理论武装,增强建设新时代中国特色社会主义的真本领。  加强马克思主义理论武装,是中国共产党永葆生机活力的光荣传统与重要法宝。在革命战争年代,中国共产党克服重重困难,坚持把马列经典著作的翻译和学习作为党的建设的重点,坚定了党员干部对马克思主义的信仰。延安时期