苯那普利为血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂 ,已广泛用于临床。目前临床医生对无高血压的蛋白尿治疗通常采用苯那普利每日 1 0mg。但尿蛋白下降幅度仅在 5 0 %左右〔1〕。有关尿蛋白转阴率国内报道甚少。为了探讨该药治疗尿蛋白的合适剂量 ,提高疗效 ,笔者于 2 0 0 0年 3月~ 2 0 0 1
Benazepril angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, has been widely used in clinical. At present, clinicians usually use benazepril 10 mg daily for proteinuria without hypertension. However, the decline in urinary protein only about 50% [1]. Domestic urine protein conversion rate rarely reported. In order to explore the appropriate dose of the drug for the treatment of urinary protein and improve the efficacy of the author in 2000 ~ 2 0 0 1