Carboniferous strata are widely distributed in southern China and are a good base for finding oil and gas. Carbonates can be divided into many facies, the oil and gas in each phase is not uniform. The practice of hydrocarbon exploration in carbonate stratum shows that large-scale oil and gas fields are often distributed along the reef facies and marginal shoals. Based on the past, the geology and exploration of southern reefs are very weak. In order to find bio-oil and gas fields with high yield, it is very necessary to strengthen this work. I. Significance of Reefs in Oil and Gas Exploration Reefs are in-situ buried carbonate structures with anti-oceanic skeletons that are composed of reef-forming organisms. Reef organisms have algae, ancient cups, coral, stomatal and bryozoans, etc., and often accompanied by foraminifera, brachiopods, etc. hi reef creatures. The ancient cup, stomatal, bryozoan reef mainly in the Paleozoic, algae, coral from the Paleozoic so far caused a large number of students