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(一九五三年十一月十九日第一百九十四次政務會議通過) 爲了保證人民生活和國家建設所需要的糧食,穩定糧價,消滅糧食投機,進一步鞏固工農聯盟,特根據共同綱領第二十八條‘凡屬有關國家經濟命脈和足以操縱國民生計的事業,均應由國家統一經營’的規定,决定在全國範圍內有計劃、有步驟地實行糧食的計劃收購(簡稱統購)和計劃供應(簡稱統銷),並規定辦法如下: 一、生產糧食的農民應按國家规定的收購糧種、收購價格和計劃收購的分配數量將餘糧售給國家。農民在繳納公糧和計劃收購糧以外的餘糧,可以自由存儲和自由使用,可以繼續售給國家糧食部門或合作社,或在國家設立的糧食市場進行交易,並可在農村間進行少量的互通有無的交易。二、開始實行糧食計劃供應時,可先規定一些簡便易行的辦法,逐步研究改進,使之趨於完善:(甲)在城市,對機關、團體、學校、企業等 (Adopted at the 194th Session of the Administrative Council on November 19, 1953) In order to ensure the livelihood of the people and the food the country needs, stabilize grain prices, eliminate food speculation and further consolidate the alliance of workers and peasants, Article 28 of the Common Program “All the undertakings of the economy of the country concerned and the undertaking sufficient to control the livelihood of the people of the country concerned shall be governed by the principle of unified national administration,” and it is decided that a planned acquisition of food in a planned and systematic manner throughout the country (Hereinafter referred to as the “unified purchase”) and planned supply (hereinafter referred to as the “unified marketing”) and stipulate the following measures: 1. Farmers who produce grain shall sell the surplus grain to the state according to the distribution quotas of grain purchased by the state, the purchase price and the planned acquisition. Farmers can freely store and freely use surplus grain after they have paid their grain and plan to buy the grain. They can continue to sell them to the grain department or cooperatives in the country or trade in grain markets established by the state, and can conduct small amounts of intercommunication in rural areas transaction. Second, when starting to implement food supply planning, some simple and convenient measures may be prescribed first, and improvements should be gradually made to make them tend to be perfected. (A) In cities, organizations, organizations, schools, enterprises, etc.
不妨把这看作拉萨郊外的两张风光明信片。 一个是吐蕃王国的旧都,那里有古老的城墙,也有世外桃园般的田园生活。在某些时候,你甚至能听见风中隐隐传来金戈铁马的历史回响。另
雅安雨城区,是原西康省省会的所在地。在西部大开发起步中,她正在逐步成为四川西部一个政治、经济、文化中心,新兴的生态旅游度假城市。 2001年夏,朱镕基总理来雨城视察退耕